Local Government


Island Receives $39.7 Million for Water, Sewer Infrastructure in State Budget Bill

$39.7 million was appropriated to improve Mackinac Island water and sewer facilities in the 2024 fiscal year state budget bill passed Wednesday evening, June 28, 2023. The funds will support upgrades to current infrastructure and partially fund the creation of a new wastewater treatment plant.


Three Winter Service Proposals from Ferry Companies Deemed Inadequate

The Mackinac Island Transportation Committee deemed three proposals for winter ferry service submitted by Shepler’s Ferry Company and Mackinac Island Ferry Company inadequate to meet the standards of the city’s 2012 ferryboat franchise. The committee met Friday, April 14, 2023 to discuss the proposals as the five-year winter ferry service agreement between the City of Mackinac Island and Mackinac Island Ferry, which operates Star Line, is set to expire at the end of this year.


Mackinac Island Department of Public Works Prepares for New Sewer Treatment Plant

A new wastewater treatment plant for Mackinac Island is a dream coming closer to reality as several meetings of the Board of Public Works (BPW) and city council have enabled initial planning and work to begin.


Mackinac Island City Council, State Park Continue Discussions About E-bikes

A public hearing between the Mackinac Island City Council and the Mackinac Island State Park was held Thursday, April 6, to hear concerns and comments about the permissibility of electric bicycles on the Island. Mayor Margaret Doud began the meeting by recognizing that collaboration and unification between the city and the state park regarding e-bike policies is essential, as the park owns most of the Island.


Grand Hotel Pulls Rezoning Request Following Criticism

Grand Hotel’s request for partial, conditional rezoning of a land parcel currently zoned as recreational open space (ROS) was sent to the Mackinac Island City Council without recommendation from the planning commission following a review during the Tuesday, December 13, meeting. The decision also followed a public hearing held by the commission earlier that day during which community members shared opinions of both opposition and support.